If you’ve ever driven by a farm and wondered about what crops might be growing or where they’re headed after harvest consider this: they might just be on their way to [...]
The common misconception is that farmers use 80% of the water in California. That’s simply not true and here’s why: According to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), [...]
According to a report by the Center for Agricultural Business at California State University, Fresno, California farms and associated processing account for 6.8 percent of the state’s 18.9 [...]
Some people think that farms provide little in the way of economic value to the California economy but that’s simply not true. Farms provide more to the economy than simply the value of the food [...]
Californians are often able to buy fresh summer fruits and vegetables within a day or two of them being harvested. We’re fortunate that California has a Mediterranean climate, one of only [...]
Since 2003 California farmers have spent $3 billion upgrading the irrigation systems on about 2.5 million acres. It costs about $1,200 per acre to install a drip irrigation system when you [...]