Byron Fox Farming
My husband and I are farmers in the Visalia/Porterville area of Tulare County. Our company’s name is Byron Fox Farming, and no, we do not raise foxes! It is our name! We farm approximately 700 acres of mostly walnuts, which we sell domestically and internationally. We also farm navel oranges, olives, and alfalfa. My husband and I are each fourth-generation farming families, with mine coming to the area as pioneers in the 1800s. My husband, Byron, graduated in horticulture from Fresno State and immediately started farming for his father in 1976. He says he loves what he does, because he enjoys working with live organisms. He also loves to take a poor piece of land and build it up to be fertile and fruitful. He likes the challenge. Speaking of challenges, it is a challenge with the drought to make sure our 10 employees who depend on us for their jobs stay employed. We struggle to have an adequate water supply to grow food and are concerned that water is being diverted for environmental purposes without adequate science telling us that there are any real environmental benefits.
Byron & Kelly Fox, Visalia, CA